Smart Editor Options


Add here meta tags, title, stylesheets or scripts.

Preview Mode

Chose which console(s) or mode you need to use it in the code preview mode.

Eruda Console

A multiple tab console that can help you to inspect elements and many Snippets.

DOM Console

A stong Dom Console to show all attributes available in an object you log it by console.log() function.


Enable Markdown code preview support

Save As Project

Save codes as a project in your browser storage and restore it anytime.

Enter a name for your project.

Select your project.

Restore, Delete or Save your project.

As one template

Raw or Download all codes from all editor tabs only in one template file.

Raw all codes in one template.

Download all codes in one template.

Please, enter the file's name then click Download.


Smart Editor Beta Version - Designed with ❤ by TDIM Developer.
All © Right Saved 2021.
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Toast Example